Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery

Uncategorized Oct 07, 2019

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common, so common that in my experience, 100% of men have ED after surgery and cannot achieve an erection or even part of one. The statistics are a little brighter with 16% of men having a radical prostatectomy regaining their pre-surgery level of erectile functioning. However this is hardly positive when this means that 84% of men will never achieve an erection again.

Understandably ED after surgery for prostate cancer causes significant distress for the man and or the couple together and there is a significant link associated with depression.

Men are in the most part well informed of this side effect of the surgery to help rid them of cancer however the term 'nerve sparing' to help spare the nerves which are responsible for achieving an erection are often misleading and can lead to false hope that there won't be a problem once the basic level of healing after the operation occurs. Basic healing of nerves can take up to 2 years after surgery rather...

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